QCS (Quiklaser Cleaning System) is a system that uses laser and high-grade hyaluronic masks to rejuvenate the face and resolve many issues, from pigmentation to acne, acne scars, and sensitive skin. The laser sanitizes, stimulates collagen production, and lightens pigments while the masks Hydrate, dissipate Heat, and Heal (HHH).

We are confident that regular QCS treatment will give customers Clarity, Glow, Radiance, and Smoothness (CGRS). In addition, most will experience a reduction of aesthetic age from 3-5 years, and many will not need any make-up after 5-6 months of regular treatments. 

Below is a comparison of QCS with many other treatments available, including CO2  laser, Fraxel laser, micro needling, PICO, RF, IPL, and LED red light therapies. 

CO2 and Fraxel are ablative laser treatments that have been in existence for many years, but they can only be done by licensed doctors because the downtime and side effects require medical supervision. They result in downtime, redness, and sensitivity to sun and makeup. As a result, customers are usually given home care procedures to help with the healing.

IPL and LED are less advanced treatment modalities that are less consistent and replicable in producing results. 

Micro-needling is an iteration of treating the skin using dermabrasion. Medical students studying dermatology around 35 years ago will recall using microdermabrasion with sand particles or micro rubberized particles, commonly known as face scrub. 

The skin, as it ages, needs to ‘HURT TO HEAL’ or reboot and reformat to activate its intrinsic ability to repair, rejuvenate, and restore (RRR). 

Similar principles are applied medically across various forms for other kinds of ailments in humans. For instance, neurologists use electric shocks to treat schizophrenia, while orthopedic specialists use arthroscopic methods to scrap the joint surface to induce new cartilage formation. Neuroplasticity in dementia science is based on a principle called ‘stimulate to homeostasis’ – a steady state in the body’s function. 

From Fraxel to IPL to LED red light therapies, all the treatments listed above are centered on the idea that the body needs to ‘HURT TO HEAL.’  

In the aesthetic market over the past 1000 years, humans have experimented with all kinds of modalities to repair, rejuvenate, and reboot the skin to its original or optimal function and appearance.

Queen Cleopatra rejuvenated herself by using cow’s milk to bathe herself in her bathtub. This practice is considered effective because sour milk contains Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and has peeling effects.

In dermatological science, the use of evidence-based, prescriptive modes ranges from the AAAs (Antibiotics, Anti-Androgens, Accutane) or lasers for repair and rejuvenation, as well as many invasive types of measures that involve downtime and possible immunological damage.

In the non-medical, non-prescription market, microdermabrasion and chemical acid peels like AHA products are all about packaging and presentation. Skincare products like peels and serums coming from Korea and Israel look enticing, but one must carefully evaluate the costs versus benefits and longer-term risks. Many of these products are nothing more than gimmicks, and it is prudent to be cautious when dealing with the skin, as any damage may be irreversible. 

While many invasive and ablative modalities may achieve faster results, the risks need to be considered. Often, they result in extended downtime and thins down the epidermis – the top layer of the skin. Subsequent treatments may likewise be problematic. 

There are risks of hyperpigmentation (PIH – Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation). There is also a minor risk of infection, and each procedure must be carefully supervised by doctors. 

Our QCS modality and treatment protocols take a conservative approach. The results are more sustainable in the longer term and are generally safer. From our years of experience of doing more than 1 million treatments, the safety and effectiveness of QCS have been proven through full scientific predictability, consistency, and replicability. 

Yes, it takes a longer time and thus requires some perseverance and patience. It may even take more than two months to achieve satisfactory results.


However, this should be the norm when treating the face. We need to be conservative. It’s like going to the gym — we start gradually but build up your strength and health in a more sustainable manner. 


Unlike many ablative and invasive treatments, the 1094 nm wavelength of a Q-Switch ND YAG  Laser machine will not damage your epidermis. Instead, the laser light goes directly into the dermis to stimulate collagen production.