Dear Customers,
We have REOPENED SINCE 1 June 2020.
Please note the following COVID-19 SAFETY MEASURES that are implemented at our outlet.
- Our staff will adhere by strict measures to monitor their body temperatures and be aware of any symptoms or sickness. They will only serve you when they are healthy.
- Likewise, kindly be advised that if you experience any symptoms such as cough, fever or difficulty breathing as described in the BCCDC website, you will not be allowed in. Kindly call us to reschedule your appointment if you are unwell.
- All staff and customers are to sanitize their shoes (a shoe tray with disinfectant will be provided) and hands, and be wearing a surgical/cloth mask upon entering the premises.
- All staff and customers will have their body temperatures checked and recorded on a signed health declaration form on a daily basis.
- The waiting and makeup removal areas have been marked with 2m social distances. Please maintain a 2m social distance between you and another person whenever possible.
- Customers should only remove their masks during makeup removal, photo-taking and laser treatments.
- There will be a maximum of two customers in the treatment room, and a maximum of ten customers and staff on the premises at any one time.
- All items used by or in contact with customers are either changed (disposables) or thoroughly sanitized (fixtures) after each customer.
- The appointment times will be spaced out to allow for proper sanitization between customers. Therefore we will appreciate your patience while we schedule your appointment time accordingly.
- THANK YOU for your patience and understanding while we work with the new guidelines to keep you, your families and our staff safe.