Our Philosophy:
Clarity, Glow, Radiance, and Smoothness (CRGS)

What is Acne?

Acne is a chronic skin disease fuelled by hormones, stress, and lack of sleep. It is characterized by oily skin, blackheads, comedones, and keloids.

How Common is Acne?

Acne is a condition that affects up to 80% of the population with varying degrees of severity.
It is also genetic and tends to run in families.

Is Acne a Serious Medical Issue?

Acne can lead to serious conditions such as cystic acne and acne vulgaris.

Acne can be active or relatively stable depending on hormonal activities. It primarily affects areas of the skin with a relatively high number of oil glands. If left untreated, acne can result in inflammation, pigmentation, and scars, especially after being picked, squeezed, or poked.

It is important to begin treatment early on before acne develops into pigmentations and scars. This will reduce mental stress, increase self-esteem, and help prevent any associated depression.

How Does Acne Damage Your Skin?
  • Sebaceous glands overproduce sebum and become clogged with dead skin cells. A skin bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, feeds on the clogged sebum and digests it into fatty acids that leak into skin tissue, causing inflammation, redness, swelling, and pus.
  • When the acne settles, the inflammation leaves behind red and brown scars. These are easily lightened by our laser skin treatment. If the collagen in the dermis layer is damaged, scarring becomes disfiguring and pitted scars form in the skin which are very hard to get rid of. However, our treatments can help reduce the appearance of even the toughest pitted scars.
  • If untreated, acne can cause PIH (Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation), which involves brown or red spots and a change in the texture of your skin.
What Causes Acne?

There are many causes of acne, including environmental, lifestyle-based and unfortunately, some genetic.

Environmental Causes of Acne

  1. Pollutants – bacteria, smoking
  2. Stress – increase in cortisol and androgens from stress response

Lifestyle-related Causes of Acne

  1. Poor sleep
  2. Dairy intake
  3. Red meat (hormones)

Every person has a unique genetic makeup and, unfortunately, some of those genetic combinations make us more susceptible to acne than others. Varying levels of hormones, oil production, and bacteria can all contribute to making a person more susceptible to acne.

What causes acne?
What causes acne?

What are the Stages of Acne?
  1. Sebum production
  2. Propionibacterium – acne colonization and population
  3. Perifollicular hyperkeratosis (which just means blocked pores)
  4. Inflammation

Stages of Acne
Stages of Acne
Causes of acne
Causes of acne

Is Acne More Common in Women?

Acne has a higher prevalence in adult females, with up to 85% of adult women reporting a worsening of their acne in the days before menstruation.

I am a Student; why do I get Acne Before an Exam?

Often students start to have acne outbreaks during examination periods due to lack of sleep and stress.

Should I use Make-up or Cosmetics if I Have Acne?

The single most important coping mechanism for female patients with acne is to use cosmetic camouflage. However, cosmetics can trigger or worsen acne in as many as 62% of cases.

Can Acne be Cured with a Laser Facial Treatment?

Acne cannot be cured with laser treatments, but it can be cleaned, cleared, and controlled (CCC). Our treatment will help the skin to reach homeostasis (a stabilized skin condition).

Will I Outgrow my Acne?

Acne is a skin disease. The common myth is to let acne simply run its course, but leaving acne untreated can result in pigmentation which lasts for years, and scars that last for life. Acne scars lower self-esteem and confidence, and can even lead to mild depression.

Early intervention for acne is highly recommended. No one should suffer from this problem when effective, non-invasive treatments like the signature Quiklaser Cleaning System are available.

To book our signature acne treatment in Vancouver, contact us today.

How can Acne be Treated?

Doctors and Dermatologist Often use the Following Treatments

  • Antibiotics to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation
  • Birth control pills and other medications that affect hormones
  • Isotretinoin or Accutane (the leading pharmaceutical treatments for acne, which work effectively but with some potentially serious side effects).
  • Chemical peels for scarring

At QuikLaser, our laser acne treatments use our QuikLaser Cleaning System to Clean, Clear, and Control (CCC) your acne, all without medications or invasive procedures. In addition to acne treatments, we also offer rosacea treatment in Vancouver.

We believe that finding life-changing acne treatment is possible with the effectiveness of our laser technology. To book your life-changing acne treatment in Burnaby, call us today. We also offer the same quality acne treatments for Surrey residents.

How Does Isotretinoin Treat Acne?

Oral isotretinoin is considered a SUPER ACNE DRUG - at one point it was the best pharmaceutical treatment for acne.

It targets all the four devils in acne: sebum, bacteria, blockage, inflammation; however, there are some serious drawbacks to using this acne treatment, which include:

  • It has teratogenic* side effects you need to sign an indemnity form stating you will not become pregnant while on the pill or within one month after stopping, as it may cause fetal abnormalities in pregnant women.
  • It has many side effects, which are largely manageable but unnecessary if your acne is not scarring.
    It is not a cure for acne.
  • It is not a cure for acne.
  • It is chemically invasive.
  • It has minimal effects on scarring, the main scourge of acne sufferers.
Do Laser Facials Work on Acne?

Yes! The QuikLaser Quick Cleaning system addresses the root causes of acne.

Here’s a List of What the QuikLaser Quick Cleaning System is Capable of Doing for Acne Specifically:

  • Sterilizes the skin by killing the bacteria Propionibacterium population.
  • Sanitizes by vaporizing dirt, debris, and pollutants. It unclogs the glands and introduces oxygen, producing an inhospitable environment for the bacteria to survive. It vaporizes dirt and black pigments that contribute to blackhead appearances.
  • Shrinks the sebaceous glands and lowers oil production activities. It makes the pores less visible.
  • It is the most natural and safest way to put acne under control without ablative intervention or prescribed medication.
  • The laser will break down the melanin pigments and reduce any Post-Inflammatory Pigmentation (PIH), making it one of the best options for those of you searching for laser treatment for pigmentation near you
  • The laser stimulates collagen production in the dermis and reduces the depth and appearance of pitted acne scars.
  • Powerful medicine like Accutane will not solve the problems of pigmentation and scars and it may increase pigmentation.
What is the Best Treatment for Acne?

Laser QCS is the safest, most natural, and best acne treatment. Also:

  • It targets all the four devils in acne (sebum, bacteria, blockage, inflammation).
  • It is not chemically invasive.
  • It is not physically invasive.
  • There is no downtime.
  • It is slow, steady, sure, safe, scientific and it helps all the scarring resulting from acne - PIH, PIE, and some rolling scars.
  • It is a clean and clear control of acne at no health costs even with long-term use.
  • It is the only procedure that leads to homeostasis against all the physiological, psychological, and pathological destabilization factors.
  • It is scientific and medical knowledge, applied simply, seamlessly, and surely.
  • It is a scientific acne treatment that yields consistent, replicable, and predictable results.
How can I Prevent Acne Scars?

The following conditions should not progress to scarring if managed early and properly. 

  • Micro-comedone
  • Open comedone (black head)
  • Closed comedone (whitehead)
  • Papular
  • Postular

The lesions have not invaded the dermis and damaged the collagen irreversibly.

As long as the collagen connective tissue is not damaged, then the vascular endothelium will not be damaged and scarring is NOT inevitable. These acne scars are very treatable and reversible.

Quiklaser provides laser scar removal Surrey residents can rely on.

Are Acne Scars Permanent?

The kind of scarring that is not reversible is Nodulocystic. When this happens, the lesions have invaded grossly into the dermis and badly damaged the collagen and connective tissues. Contoural scarring is inevitable.

Acne will normally progress to scarring irrespective of treatment. However, scarring can still be made 30% less visible in our Laser QCS with the stimulation of more collagen in the dermis.

For acne scar treatment in Vancouver, BC, we’re the preferred destination. Our services also include laser therapy for rosacea near you.

How can Contoural Acne Scars be Treated?

Contoural scars can be aggressively treated with invasive plastic surgery procedures. It is expensive and it is highly dependent on the skills of the plastic surgeon.

Other treatments for this type of acne scarring are:

  • Fillers – It is workable in rolling scars but IMPOSSIBLE to work in V-shaped and U-shaped scars which are fibrotic. The filling is temporary as there is no new collagen taking place. There is also no biostimulation and no cell signalling process.
  • Subcision – This can be done but is expensive and dependent on the skill of the plastic surgeon.
  • Punch Excision – Can be done but expensive and dependent on the skill of the plastic surgeon.

Severe ACNE inflammation, scar, bleeding and pigmentation

Doctors prescribed antibiotics but it did  not help.

Condition reduced by 70% after 2.5 months with our Laser QCS

Now the customer is 90% recovered and doing periodic maintenance coming for treatments once every few months.

It is a life transforming experience!

Severe Nodular Cystic ACNE

Normally, it will need prescribed medication like Accutane and antibiotics

We did the healing in 3 months. It is about the same time needed fir Accutane will do the job but without the side effects

The bonus is that pigmentation is greatly reduced and scars are less visible. The result is a smooth, radiant, and clear appearance. No wonder he is smiling 😊

Bleeding, pain, itchiness, redness, inflammation, and scars. This is a challenging case.

It is a serious skin problem. Doctors prescribed antibiotic creams and medication, but it did not help. Customer suffered from not able to sleep properly at night.

Customer came  for 60  minutes session twice a week. Results after 10.5 hours of treatment.

Again, his face looked smoother, smoother  and more  radiant. 

Customer is a tertiary institution student. The ACNE relapsed before and after examination. The hormones were active. Stress produces cortisol, opens up the pores, result in excess oil,  and  allows bacteria to populate. We managed to control it in 2 weeks.

ACNE condition is mild and hormones not so active

We manage to product great results on  the skin condition by 90% with only 4 visits @ 45 minutes / treatment.

Deep scars caused by pricking, squeezing and poking.

Some of the scars are very deep. We will not be able to remove the scars completely but after 10 visits, It is less visible by at least 50%

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. It can aggravate ACNE conditions.

Scars which are not so deep can be reduced by 60% in about 2 months.


This customer has been with us for more than a year. She comes around 1-2 times a month. She purchases and uses our masks, Facewash and Moisturizer regular. During the Corvid 19 lockdown, she called to buy the products and had it mailed to her home. 

Today her skin is almost flawless and does not need any makeup or foundation. She has achieved Clarity, Glow, Radiance and Smoothness.

We’re confident in the beautiful results of our clarifying laser facial.
And we have a feeling you’ll love it.